Saturday, September 11, 2010


I fasted on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  When my willpower got too weak, i would eat, but all I would have is a salad consisting of maybe a cup and a half of lettuce and maybe just a tablespoon of fat-free dressing.  I know that I lost at least one pound, but I'm afraid to get on a scale right now.  Big surprise, eh?

I spent all day and last night with the boy and of course I had to eat around him.  I don't think I ate anymore than 280 calories, but still, coming off of a fast, that's a LOT and I feel bloated and disgusting.  One can hope that it may shock my metabolism into burning calories more quickly and thus promoting more weight loss, but knowing my metabolism, this won't actually happen.  I will probably gain three pounds or something like that.  The only consolation is that I was very easily able to convince him to help me "work off" some of the extra calories that I consumed.

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